Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Can Win

A great book for all those who like to be winners in life...

"Winners don't do different things, they do things differently" this quote is the nucleus of the book ‘You Can Win’ written by the internationally acclaimed author Shiva Khera. It’s a great book to refer to—if you are looking at being successful in life. The book is a simple read (mark of all great books and writers) and provides the reader’s with practical approach to adopt success as a way of life. He helps you explore success in diverse milieu covering—wealth, happiness, peace of mind, recognition and values.

Shiv Khera believes that every human being is unique, but those who dare to be different leave their footprints and examples for future generations to follow. His matra for success in simple and followed world over "winners don't do different things, they do things differently". Shiv Khera wears assorted caps he is an educator, motivator, business consultant, much sought after speaker and successful entrepreneur; being a living proof of all things that he preach in his book.

Handy tips for your journey
Points to keep in mind while reading this fabulous book
  • Lay great emphasis on reading thoroughly the books preface as it’s the key that will assist you in unlocking the gates to wining strategies and ultimately to your path to success.
  • Jot down points that you feel are pertinent for self assessment as there are many an examples.
  • The book is not for educating you (in literal sense); but is more of a guide that helps you understand your flaws and thus remove obstacles form your path to living a successful life.
    Take the flaws that you come across about yourself in your stride; and don’t let them dishearten you.
  • Identifying is the first positive step towards accepting and making positive change.
  • Pursue the ‘Action-Plan’ with complete sincerity.The author has made the book interesting by quoting inspiring and motivating stories; these will help you understand how routine can be changed into an inspiring life.
Some motivating phrases from the book

    On committing errors, winners say “I was wrong” while losers say “it wasn’t my fault”.

    Every success story is also a story of great failure.
    Your attitude contributes to your success.

    So cultivate positive attitude in life; as positive people only think about winning and being the best.

    Don’t ever quit. Integrity and wisdom are essential traits to honour our commitments.Learn from your mistakes; don’t repeat them.

    There is no substitute for hard work.Individuals with high self-esteem will talk about ideas, would have unvarying self-worth, are optimistic, respect others and are always eager to learn.

    Be like a Bumblebee…never limit yourself.

    Don’t ever limit yourself by adopting Crab mentality. Be open-minded.

Essentially the book is trying to illustrate how there are 2 different types of people:

Winners— are people who hate to lose.
Losers—are people who accept failures, sometimes without even trying.

The choice is ours; if being a winner is your mission/goal in life go ahead and read this book and make a positive change in your life.

Wishing all a successful life and hoping success follow you always…


  1. hi,

    Nice article.



  2. Thanks Rakesh; GLAD you like the review...

